Tuesday 19 June 2012

Follow Your Childhood Dreams

 It occurred to me the other day whilst making a cover for a very old fashioned Pouffe, that when I was little I was always at the dining room table making something. This varied from a new toy, to a bag, an outfit for a doll or a collage. They never amounted to much, but I recall that sense of excitement and anticipation that I was creating something new, clicking my fingers with glee as I went along and rushing to finish the piece. I stopped to try and recall the time when this passion was lost. I can't put it down to a precise moment but it was somewhere between Barbies and the hormone infused penchant for teen mags, boys and fashion.
I now deeply regret not persuing that passion into my teenage years. I took GSCE Textiles and achieved a C through arrogant disinterest (English was my strength back then). I then attempted to carve out a career by studying A-levels in what now seem like completly boring and pointless subjects. I completed a degree in my chosen career path and achieved a first, but later left my profession through dissillusionment. I spent the rest of my twenties trying to figure out what to do next, which left me no more satisfied then a dog chasing its own tail. Now I've turned thirty and become a mother I've decided enough is enough. It's time to reclaim that old childhood passion and to see where it takes me.


Here are the things I have made so far this year, plus a vase of flowers which I thought was too pretty to leave out!


I have plenty more ideas which I will be working on over the next few months so please do watch this space.
 And remember, if all else fails follow your childhood dreams, they are always the best!
Gingerrose x

If you like the butterfly wreath go to fellow blogger Gingerbread Snowflake at http://gingerbreadsnowflakes.com/node/177  for the guide on how to make it.

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